Who is eligible for hospice care?

Patients at SOMC Hospice are accepted regardless of age, race, color, creed, national origin, handicap or ability to pay.

  • The patient who has a life limiting illness in advanced stages and needs supportive treatment and care. This may include end-stage lung, kidney, heart or neurological disease, or cancer.
  • The patient who is no longer undergoing curative treatment. Hospice care should be considered when treatment begins to shift from curative interventions to symptom management.
  • The patient with a life expectancy of six months of less. Referral early in the terminal phase enables Hospice to provide the most supportive, personal environment for the patient and family.
  • The patient with a primary caregiver available for the patient’s comfort and safety at home. A patient who is able to provide self-care at the time of referral may be accepted for hospice care provided that arrangements can be made for future needs.
  • The patient who resides in Scioto, Pike, Jackson Counties or near their borders, or is a resident of a contracted nursing home.
  • The patient whose physician approves the referral and agrees with hospice principles of care.
  • The patient and family who are aware of the diagnosis and accept the hospice philosophy of care.

Reach Out

To learn if hospice care is right for your loved one, call (740) 356-2600.

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